2014 has finally kicked off for me; editing on the first big project of the year has begun! That big project is the second season of our “Information security awareness campaign in a box”, Restricted Intelligence, and this year we’ve gone global. The shoot is split between the US and the UK, and this weekContinue reading “There’s Nothing Like Doing What You Love”
Tag Archives: editing
Host Unknown
At Twist and Shout we have a lot of friends in the security industry, and sometimes we help them out with some fun projects. The exact origin of the idea for this show is a matter of some debate, but Javvad, Thom and Andrew between them decided they wanted to make the Top Gear ofContinue reading “Host Unknown”
Diving in Headfirst (or how I learned to stop worrying and love DaVinci Resolve)
I call myself an editor. But my job title is “Media Producer” right now, which is another way of saying that I have to do everything. I cut, make graphics, mix and grade. From time to time I’m even on shoots, shooting, swinging a boom, running and data wrangling, but thankfully that’s only once everyContinue reading “Diving in Headfirst (or how I learned to stop worrying and love DaVinci Resolve)”
Why Video Interviews?
I get that it’s an odd thing to complain about, given my profession, but I’m getting a little sick of video interviews on the Internet. To be clear, I’m not talking about a well thought-out documentary, or even a longer-form interview piece, such as Mario Muth‘s excellent series with some lesser-known faces from the worldContinue reading “Why Video Interviews?”
EditFest Part 3 – A Conversation with Anne Coates and Tom Rolf
For the final part of my write-up of EditFest London we come to the highlight of the day for many people, the panel with the legendary Anne Coates and Tom Rolf. As with the other blogs I’ve written about EditFest, I’m writing from notes I made on the day, so this will again be lessContinue reading “EditFest Part 3 – A Conversation with Anne Coates and Tom Rolf”