Butchering the Classics

Over the weekend I saw not one but two parodies of sci-fi classics and both made me despair for my profession. The first is this abomination made by the IRS, which I came to via Twitter and the excellent io9 blog. http://io9.com/the-irs-spent-60-000-making-a-truly-awful-star-trek-pa-458466853 The second was at, of all things, the 25th annual IVCA Awards. BecauseContinue reading “Butchering the Classics”

Fix it in Camera

Over the weekend I watched the BluRay of David Lean’s magnificent epic “Lawrence of Arabia” for the first time. I’d seen the film before of course but with the stunning restoration and remastering work done for the BluRay, it felt like I was truly seeing it for the first time. It’s a great story, firstContinue reading “Fix it in Camera”

Intersecting Art and Technology

This weekend I watched the documentary “Side by Side” which chronicles the state of the “film” part of the film industry and assesses where we now stand with digital workflows. There are some big-name directors and cinematographers contributing to the discussion, with valid opinions on both sides of the debate. It moves along nice andContinue reading “Intersecting Art and Technology”