It’s Oscar week and one of the big winners was Ang Lee’s “Life of Pi”. Sadly Rhythm and Hues, the company responsible for the film’s (now Oscar winning) spectacular visual effects, has filed for bankruptcy. Much has been written about the reasons for the struggles of the visual effects industry by far more knowledgable sourcesContinue reading “The Return of the Studio System?”
Category Archives: Editing and Post
Intersecting Art and Technology
This weekend I watched the documentary “Side by Side” which chronicles the state of the “film” part of the film industry and assesses where we now stand with digital workflows. There are some big-name directors and cinematographers contributing to the discussion, with valid opinions on both sides of the debate. It moves along nice andContinue reading “Intersecting Art and Technology”
The Value of Contrast
I love the Super Bowl. I love the sheer excess of the whole thing, from the pre-game show, the ads through the game itself and of course the half-time show. It’s quintessentially American (I mean that as a complement). Everything about it is huge, but last night was more defined for me by the quietContinue reading “The Value of Contrast”
The Future is in Specialisation
I’m a huge fan of technology, as you might expect of an editor. As technology improves and becomes more widely available, it enables a lot of exciting possibilities, and can make a huge difference in people’s lives. To me, technology is a means to an end – communication… In the world of filmmaking technology, theContinue reading “The Future is in Specialisation”
Is your job good value for your time?
It has been said that time wasted isn’t necessarily wasted time. When you have to pay the bills, it isn’t so easy to apply that theory. When I first went freelance, I was naive to say the least. I’d just quit from a full-time editing job that I hated and I proudly announced to myContinue reading “Is your job good value for your time?”