Feeding the Beast

This is somewhat off-topic for this blog, it’s nothing to do with movies, but it interests me and it’s my blog, so here’s some thoughts on social media (copied from my intentionally-as-private-as-possible Facebook page). Enjoy! Facebook tells me that my profile is “40% complete” – hey Facebook? How about this; “my profile is as completeContinue reading “Feeding the Beast”

Let Network TV Die

A recent article from The AV Club titled “Let’s Save Network TV” argued that broadcast networks need to make content cheaper, less scripted drama and more “other formats” of shows (like variety shows, game shows etc) in order to survive, since their shows cannot compete with cable offerings like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad andContinue reading “Let Network TV Die”

Editing not cutting

Last week I was re-cutting an old comedy project (just for fun) and in comparing it to the original I noticed that I tend to hold on a two-shot much longer than the other editor had. We had a great cast on this particular piece, and the interplay between the two of them and theirContinue reading “Editing not cutting”

Butchering the Classics

Over the weekend I saw not one but two parodies of sci-fi classics and both made me despair for my profession. The first is this abomination made by the IRS, which I came to via Twitter and the excellent io9 blog. http://io9.com/the-irs-spent-60-000-making-a-truly-awful-star-trek-pa-458466853 The second was at, of all things, the 25th annual IVCA Awards. BecauseContinue reading “Butchering the Classics”