
The last 18 months have been marked by the re-emergenge of music as a major passion in my wife’s life, as she joined Nottingham-based indie dream-pop band Lorna, as well as continuing to play with the Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra. Our lives have therefore been punctuated with gigs and appearances as the band released their sixthContinue reading “Lorna”

Late 2014 and Early 2015 Work

To call this blog neglected would be a vast understatement, but there’s a good reason; being too busy to give it the attention it would need… In other works, doing what I really love; Cutting. Since the last update was at the start of post-production on Restricted Intelligence Season 2, we’ll start there… This isContinue reading “Late 2014 and Early 2015 Work”

Run You Clever Boy

About a year ago, I took up running. I was in part inspired by my officemates and my sister who had all been extolling the virtues of it for the past few months but more importantly I realised that I was falling into the classic trap for editors, of sitting at the computer all dayContinue reading “Run You Clever Boy”